Psychology of Money (Morgan Housel)
21.02.11 Psychology of Money (Morgan Housel) Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness Leo: good book, can’t say it's something new or excellent but decent book, decent approach about money.…
21.02.11 Psychology of Money (Morgan Housel) Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness Leo: good book, can’t say it's something new or excellent but decent book, decent approach about money.…
“Cư trần lạc đạo thả tuỳ duyên Cơ tắc xan hề khốn tắc miên Gia trung hữu bảo hưu tầm mịch Ðối cảnh vô tâm mạc vấn Thiền.” 居 塵 樂 道 ( 竹 林 安 子 第 一 祖 陳 仁 宗 )…